aklat batay test «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

Seeking Deeper Understanding #027

SDTEST® has 36 different VUCA polls that calculate the 13,034 correlation values between stages of development according to the theory of Spiral Dynamics and answer options of these 36 polls.

We invite curiosity about the systemic mechanisms behind this correlation. There may be hidden variables that provide alternative explanations.

In our analysis of the poll "I live thinking about my past, present or future," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.4691 between the Future and the Purple stage (Germany, three languages (not German)). 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a non-normal distribution, by Spearman r = 0.0596. This positive correlation of 0.4691 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.4691 between "Future" orientation and the Purple stage for non-German speaking individuals in Germany offers fascinating insights:

Organizational Perspective:

Organizations operating within the Purple mindset might interpret this correlation as:
  1. A spiritual sign that their community's migration to Germany was destined and holds future promise.
  2. A sacred duty to preserve their ancestral traditions while navigating a new cultural landscape.
  3. A mystical connection between their roots and future in a foreign land.
These organizations might respond by:
  • Establishing cultural centers that serve as spiritual anchors for their community in Germany.
  • Intensifying efforts to pass down native languages and customs to younger generations.
  • Seeking divine guidance through traditional rituals to navigate the challenges of integration.

Team Perspective:

Teams operating from a Purple mindset in this context might approach the correlation by:
  1. Viewing it as a collective calling to create a robust and culturally-rooted community within German society.
  2. Interpreting it as a shared journey of maintaining identity while adapting to a new environment.
  3. Seeing it as a test of the group's unity and faith in preserving their ways in a different cultural setting.
These teams might respond by:
  • Organizing regular gatherings that recreate homeland traditions and strengthen community bonds.
  • Sharing stories of ancestral migration and resilience to inspire hope for the future.
  • Developing support systems within the community to help members navigate German society while staying true to their roots.

Individual Perspective:

Non-German-speaking individuals in Germany aligned with the Purple value system might interpret this correlation as:
  1. A personal mission to bridge their ancestral culture and new home.
  2. A spiritual sign to seek visions or undergo rituals to understand their role in this new land.
  3. A reminder of their responsibility to honor their lineage while forging a new path.
These individuals might respond by:
  • Seeking guidance from community elders on balancing traditional values with life in Germany.
  • Deepening their commitment to preserving and sharing their cultural practices with their children.
  • Embracing their role as cultural ambassadors, sharing their traditions with German neighbors while respectfully learning about German customs.
This correlation, viewed through the Purple lens in the context of non-German speakers in Germany, suggests a profound connection between maintaining cultural identity and envisioning a future in a new land. It implies that those deeply rooted in their ancestral traditions are most focused on crafting a meaningful future in their adopted country.

From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore how ancient wisdom and cultural practices can provide stability and guidance for immigrant communities facing an uncertain future in a new society. It prompts us to ask: How can we honor our ancestors and preserve our identity while also embracing the opportunities of our new home? What age-old knowledge might help us bridge cultural divides and create a harmonious future?

Ultimately, this correlation speaks to the influential role of cultural identity and community in shaping perceptions of the future among immigrant groups. It reminds us that in the Purple worldview, maintaining connections to one's roots is not at odds with future orientation but serves as a spiritual compass for navigating new territories. By embracing this perspective, we may uncover profound insights into the resilience of cultural communities and the delicate balance between honoring tradition and adapting to new environments.

In our analysis of the poll "Psychological Wellbeing" (by Carol D. Ryff), we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.1208 between the Positive relations with others. People would describe me as a giving person, willing to share my time with others / Strongly disagree and the Red stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a non-normal distribution, by Spearman r = 0.0021. This positive correlation of 0.1208 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This positive correlation of 0.1208 between strongly disagreeing with being described as a giving person and the Red stage offers intriguing insights when viewed through the lens of the Red value system:

Organizational Perspective:

Organizations operating within the Red mindset might interpret this correlation as:
  1. A sign of strength and dominance in the corporate jungle.
  2. Proof that self-interest drives success and power in the business world.
  3. Validation of a cutthroat, winner-takes-all approach to organizational leadership.
These organizations might respond by:
  • Rewarding aggressive, self-serving behaviors among employees.
  • Implementing ruthless competition within teams to weed out the weak.
  • Celebrating leaders who prioritize personal gain over collaborative efforts.

Team Perspective:

Teams operating from a Red mindset might approach this correlation by:
  1. Viewing it as justification for internal power struggles and dominance hierarchies.
  2. Interpreting it as a call to assert individual supremacy within the group.
  3. Seeing it as proof that self-interest trumps team cohesion.
These teams might respond by:
  • Encouraging members to aggressively pursue personal goals at the expense of others.
  • Fostering an environment where intimidation and force are accepted means of problem-solving.
  • Celebrating team "alphas" who are concerned about others' wellbeing.

Individual Perspective:

Individuals aligned with the Red value system might interpret this correlation as:
  1. Validation of their self-centered worldview and behaviors.
  2. A green light to pursue personal desires without regard for others.
  3. Proof that being "soft" or generous is a weakness in life's battlefield.
These individuals might respond by:
  • Doubling down on selfish behaviors is crucial to personal power and success.
  • Actively resisting any attempts by others to encourage sharing or collaboration.
  • Viewing relationships purely for personal gain, discarding those that don't serve immediate needs.

This correlation, viewed through the Red lens, suggests that those least inclined to share their time and resources with others are most aligned with the power-driven, impulsive Red stage. Self-centeredness and a lack of consideration for others might be perceived as strengths in specific contexts.

From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore human nature's raw, primal aspects and how they manifest in social dynamics. It prompts us to ask: How does unbridled self-interest shape interpersonal relationships and organizational cultures? What are the short-term gains and long-term costs of prioritizing personal power over positive relations with others?

Ultimately, this correlation shows the tension between individual desires and social cooperation. It reminds us that personal power and immediate gratification are paramount in the Red worldview, often at the expense of more profound, more nurturing relationships. By examining this perspective, we gain insights into the complex interplay between self-interest and social bonds and the potential consequences of extreme individualism in various contexts.

In our analysis of the poll "Are you ready to receive less pay to work remotely?" we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.3410 between the Yes, I am ready to receive 5% less pay to work remotely and the Blue stage (France, four languages).

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.3042. This positive correlation of 0.3410 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.3410 between willingness to accept a 5% pay cut for remote work and the Blue stage in France among respondents who speak four languages, including French, offers intriguing insights:

Organizational Perspective:

Organizations operating within the Blue mindset might interpret this correlation as:
  1. A testament to the strength of French work culture and its influence on both native and multilingual residents.
  2. Validation that organizational values transcend linguistic and cultural backgrounds in France.
  3. Evidence that adherence to traditional French work ethics is embraced by diverse employees.
These organizations might respond by:
  • Emphasizing the importance of French workplace values in employee training programs.
  • Implementing remote work policies that reflect French labor traditions while accommodating diverse backgrounds.
  • Reinforcing the narrative of sacrifice for the collective good as a unifying French organizational principle.

Team Perspective:

Teams operating from a Blue mindset might approach this correlation by:
  1. Viewing it as proof that team cohesion in France is built on shared values, not just shared language.
  2. Interpreting it as a sign that diverse team members are successfully integrating into French work culture.
  3. Seeing it as an opportunity to reinforce French workplace norms across multicultural teams.
These teams might respond by:
  • Establishing protocols for remote work that emphasize French business etiquette and expectations.
  • Celebrating team members from all backgrounds who exemplify French work values.
  • Implementing regular cultural exchange sessions to reinforce a shared understanding of French workplace traditions.

Individual Perspective:

Individuals aligned with the Blue value system, whether native French or multilingual residents, might interpret this correlation as:
  1. A personal affirmation of their successful integration into French work culture.
  2. An opportunity to demonstrate loyalty to French organizational values, regardless of origin.
  3. A moral duty to uphold French work ethics, seen as a sign of respect for their host or native country.
These individuals might respond by:
  • Embracing the pay cut as a demonstration of their commitment to French workplace norms.
  • Strictly adhering to French-style remote work guidelines to prove their cultural adaptability.
  • Encouraging colleagues from diverse backgrounds to follow suit, viewing it as proper integration.

This correlation, viewed through the Blue lens in the French context, suggests a strong alignment between traditional French work values and the willingness to accept reduced compensation for remote work, even among multilingual and potentially multicultural employees. This implies that the blue value system in France has a powerful influence that transcends linguistic and cultural differences.

From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore how a diverse workforce adopts and internalizes French work culture and its traditional values. It prompts us to ask: How does the solid Blue value system in France shape the attitudes of both native and non-native workers? What role does cultural integration play in employees' willingness to accept financial sacrifices?

Ultimately, this correlation speaks to the enduring power of French organizational culture and its ability to instill Blue values across a diverse workforce. It reminds us that in the Blue worldview, adherence to established norms and loyalty to organizational principles can outweigh personal financial considerations, even for those who may have been exposed to different cultural systems.

This interpretation raises essential questions about the interplay between cultural adaptation, workplace expectations, and personal sacrifice in an increasingly globalized French workforce. It challenges us to consider how French organizations can maintain their traditional values while respecting and leveraging the diverse perspectives of multilingual and multicultural employees.

In our analysis of the poll "Ageism in Career," we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:  

-0.3347 between the Yes, the organization benefits from having a working group to keep the conversation on ageism and the Orange stage (USA, two languages).

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.3006. This negative correlation of -0.3347 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This negative correlation of -0.3347 between support for ageism working groups and the Orange stage in the USA offers intriguing insights when viewed through the lens of the Orange value system:

Organizational Perspective:

Organizations operating within the Orange mindset might interpret this correlation as:
  1. Evidence that focusing on ageism could potentially hinder efficiency and productivity.
  2. Validation that merit-based systems naturally address age-related concerns without dedicated resources.
  3. A signal to prioritize performance metrics over demographic considerations.
These organizations might respond by:
  • Implementing age-blind recruitment and promotion processes based solely on quantifiable skills and achievements.
  • Investing in technology and training to enhance productivity across all age groups rather than addressing ageism directly.
  • Developing data-driven performance evaluation systems that objectively measure output regardless of age.

Team Perspective:

Teams operating from an Orange mindset might approach this correlation by:
  1. Viewing it as justification for focusing on results rather than age-related discussions.
  2. Interpreting it as a call to emphasize skill development and innovation over demographic considerations.
  3. Seeing it as an opportunity to promote a more competitive, achievement-oriented team culture.
These teams might respond by:
  • Implementing project management tools that highlight individual contributions based on measurable outcomes.
  • Encouraging continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies across all team members.
  • Fostering a culture of healthy competition that rewards innovation and efficiency regardless of age.

Individual Perspective:

Individuals aligned with the Orange value system might interpret this correlation as:
  1. Confirmation that personal achievement should take precedence over group identity factors like age.
  2. An opportunity to focus on self-improvement and skill acquisition rather than age-related advocacy.
  3. Validation of the belief that success is determined by individual merit and effort, not demographic factors.
These individuals might respond by:
  • Investing in personal development and staying current with industry trends to maintain competitiveness.
  • Seeking out challenging projects that showcase their skills and drive for success.
  • Advocating for performance-based recognition systems within their organizations.

This correlation, viewed through the Orange lens, suggests a potential conflict between addressing ageism through dedicated working groups and the Orange value system's focus on individual merit, efficiency, and measurable outcomes. It implies that those most aligned with Orange values may see less value in explicitly addressing age-related concerns in the workplace.

From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore the tension between diversity initiatives and performance-driven cultures. It prompts us to ask: How can organizations balance the pursuit of efficiency and innovation with the need to address potential age-related biases? What role do data and analytics play in understanding and addressing ageism without compromising productivity?

Ultimately, this correlation speaks to the complex interplay between organizational performance, individual achievement, and demographic considerations in modern workplaces. It challenges us to consider how Orange-oriented organizations can foster environments that maximize individual potential across all age groups without resorting to what might be perceived as less efficient, group-identity-focused initiatives.

This interpretation also raises important questions about the potential blind spots in a merit-based approach to workplace dynamics. It invites us to explore innovative, data-driven methods for addressing ageism that align with Orange values of efficiency and measurable outcomes, potentially uncovering new ways to enhance equity and productivity in the workplace.

In our analysis of the poll "Ageism in Life," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.3369 between the Female and the Green stage (USA, two languages). 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.2843. This positive correlation of 0.3369 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This positive correlation of 0.3369 between female respondents and the Green stage in the USA, in the context of ageism in life, offers intriguing insights when viewed through the lens of the Green value system:

Organizational Perspective:

Organizations operating within the Green mindset might interpret this correlation as:
  1. An opportunity to address ageism in society through a more holistic, inclusive approach that recognizes the intersectionality of age and gender.
  2. Evidence supporting the need for community-based initiatives that combat age discrimination, mainly as it affects women throughout their lives.
  3. A call to action for developing intergenerational programs that foster understanding and mutual support across age groups.
These organizations might respond by:
  • Initiating community dialogue sessions that explore how ageism affects different genders throughout the lifespan.
  • Developing educational programs highlighting the value of wisdom and experience across all ages and genders.
  • Creating partnerships with women-led organizations to address ageism from a more holistic, Green perspective.

Team Perspective:

Teams operating from a Green mindset might approach this correlation by:
  1. Viewing it as an affirmation of the need for diverse, multi-generational teams in addressing societal issues like ageism.
  2. Interpreting it as a call to foster more empathetic, inclusive team environments that value members of all ages.
  3. Seeing it as an opportunity to leverage female perspectives in developing more comprehensive approaches to combating ageism in society.
These teams might respond by:
  • Implementing storytelling sessions where team members share personal experiences with ageism across different life stages.
  • Encouraging projects that bring together people of various ages to address community needs, fostering intergenerational understanding.
  • Developing awareness campaigns that challenge age-related stereotypes, particularly those affecting women throughout their lives.

Individual Perspective:

Individuals aligned with the Green value system might interpret this correlation as:
  1. Personal validation of their holistic view on aging and the life course.
  2. It is An opportunity to challenge their internalized ageist beliefs and promote age-inclusive attitudes in their communities.
  3. A call to action to support and advocate for people of all ages, recognizing the unique challenges women face across the lifespan.
These individuals might respond by:
  • Engaging in personal reflection on their own age-related biases and how these intersect with gender.
  • Seeking out intergenerational friendships and mentorship opportunities.
  • Advocating for policies and practices that support age inclusivity in their communities, focusing on issues affecting women.

This correlation, viewed through the Green lens, suggests a strong alignment between female perspectives and a more holistic, empathetic approach to aging and ageism in society. It implies that women in the USA may be more inclined to recognize and address ageism's complex, systemic nature throughout life.

From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore how gender influences perceptions of aging and experiences of ageism. It prompts us to ask: How can we leverage this apparent affinity between women and Green values to create more age-inclusive communities? What insights can we gain from female perspectives on aging to foster more supportive, interconnected societies for people of all ages?

Ultimately, this correlation speaks to the potential for female leadership and perspectives to play a crucial role in addressing ageism through a Green value lens emphasizing empathy, inclusivity, and the interconnectedness of all life stages. It challenges us to consider how to create a society that values and supports individuals of all ages, recognizing each life stage's unique contributions and needs.

In our analysis of the poll "Gender difference in building self-confidence" (by IFD Allensbach), we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:  

-0.4784 between the Relationships with parents and the Yellow stage (USA, three languages).

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.3437. This negative correlation of -0.4784 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.  

This negative correlation of -0.4784 between "Relationships with parents" and the Yellow stage in the USA offers fascinating insights when viewed through the lens of the Yellow value system:

Organizational Perspective:

Companies operating within the Yellow mindset might interpret this correlation as:
  1. An indication that traditional family dynamics may not be the primary source of self-confidence for those with more integrative worldviews.
  2. An opportunity to explore diverse personal growth and development sources beyond conventional relationships.
  3. A challenge to create organizational cultures that foster self-confidence through multifaceted, systemic approaches.
These organizations might respond by:
  • Implementing holistic personal development programs that recognize the complexity of self-confidence building.
  • Creating mentorship networks that transcend traditional hierarchies and draw from diverse life experiences.
  • Developing flexible support systems that adapt to individual needs and unique personal growth trajectories.

Team Perspective:

Teams operating from a Yellow mindset might approach this correlation by:
  1. Viewing it as an invitation to explore non-traditional sources of team cohesion and individual empowerment.
  2. Interpreting it as a call to create more fluid, adaptive team structures supporting diverse self-confidence paths.
  3. Seeing it as an opportunity to leverage the team's collective wisdom in nurturing each member's unique developmental journey.
These teams might respond by:
  • Implementing peer-to-peer coaching systems that draw on team members' diverse strengths and experiences.
  • Encouraging exploration of how different cultural and personal backgrounds influence self-confidence building.
  • Developing team projects that challenge members to grow beyond their comfort zones in supportive, collaborative environments.

Individual Perspective:

Individuals aligned with the Yellow value system might interpret this correlation as:
  1. Validation of their journey towards self-actualization beyond traditional familial expectations.
  2. An opportunity to integrate diverse life experiences and relationships into a more holistic sense of self.
  3. A call to transcend conventional notions of self-confidence and explore more nuanced, contextual understandings of personal growth.
These individuals might respond by:
  • Engaging in deep self-reflection to understand their unique path to self-confidence.
  • Seeking diverse mentors and role models from various life stages and backgrounds.
  • Exploring how their self-confidence interacts with and influences complex systems around them.

This correlation, viewed through the Yellow lens, suggests that individuals at this stage may derive self-confidence from sources beyond traditional parent-child relationships. It implies a more complex, multifaceted approach to personal development that integrates various life experiences and perspectives.

From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore the evolving nature of self-confidence in an increasingly interconnected and complex world. It prompts us to ask: How can we foster self-confidence in ways that acknowledge the diverse, non-linear paths of personal growth? What role do systemic understanding and integrating multiple perspectives play in building robust, adaptive self-confidence?

Ultimately, this correlation speaks to the potential for a more nuanced, holistic approach to personal development that transcends traditional relational models. It challenges us to consider how self-confidence can be nurtured through a deep understanding of complex systems, integration of diverse experiences, and an ability to navigate multiple perspectives.

In our analysis of the poll "XING's culture assessment" (Strategic direction. Imagine a great employer - which aspects do you like the most?), we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.2757 between the Company is visionary and the Turquoise stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.1722. This positive correlation of 0.2757 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.2757 between valuing a visionary company and the Turquoise stage offers profound insights when viewed through the lens of the Turquoise value system:

Organizational Perspective:

Companies operating within the Turquoise mindset might interpret this correlation as:
  1. Affirm their holistic, long-term vision encompassing planetary well-being alongside business success.
  2. Validation of their efforts to integrate diverse perspectives and systems thinking into their strategic direction.
  3. Evidence that their commitment to sustainability and global harmony resonates with an evolved consciousness.
These organizations might respond by:
  • Developing visionary strategies that address complex global challenges while fostering business growth.
  • Implementing decision-making processes that consider long-term impacts on all interconnected systems.
  • Creating collaborative platforms that bring together diverse stakeholders to co-create sustainable futures.

Team Perspective:

Teams operating from a Turquoise mindset might approach this correlation by:
  1. Viewing it as an invitation to deepen their collective visioning practices, incorporating cosmic and ecological awareness.
  2. Interpreting it as a call to foster team environments that nurture individual and collective evolution.
  3. Seeing it as an opportunity to align team goals with broader universal harmonies and rhythms.
These teams might respond by:
  • Engaging in regular contemplative practices to attune to larger patterns and potentials.
  • Developing projects that synergistically address multiple dimensions of planetary and human well-being.
  • Cultivating a team culture that celebrates diverse expressions of consciousness and ways of knowing.

Individual Perspective:

Individuals aligned with the Turquoise value system might interpret this correlation as:
  1. Personal validation of their attraction to organizations that embody holistic, visionary thinking.
  2. An opportunity to contribute their unique insights to shaping expansive, interconnected organizational visions.
  3. A call to deepen their own visionary capacities and spiritual connection to universal consciousness.
These individuals might respond by:
  • Seeking roles that allow them to influence organizational vision from a Turquoise perspective.
  • Engaging in practices that enhance their ability to perceive and integrate complex systemic relationships.
  • Actively co-creating organizational cultures that honor the sacred in all aspects of work and life.

This correlation, viewed through the Turquoise lens, suggests a profound alignment between advanced stages of consciousness development and the appreciation for visionary organizational thinking. It implies that as individuals evolve towards more integrative, holistic worldviews, they increasingly resonate with companies that embody far-reaching, transformative visions.

From this perspective, the correlation invites us to explore the evolving nature of organizational vision in an interconnected, rapidly changing world. It prompts us to ask: How can companies cultivate truly holistic, planet-centric visions that catalyze collective evolution? What role does individual consciousness development play in shaping and responding to organizational visions?

Ultimately, this correlation speaks to the emerging potential for organizations to serve as vehicles for planetary healing and collective consciousness evolution. It challenges us to reimagine the very purpose of business, moving beyond profit and even sustainability to envision companies as living systems that contribute to the harmonious unfolding of cosmic intelligence.

What insights do you gain from today's correlation? How might we study this relationship more carefully before deducing causation? 

We welcome respectful and wise perspectives! Stay tuned every week as we share more results and insights. 

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Valerii Kosenko
May -ari ng Produkto SaaS Pet Project Sdtest®

Si Valerii ay kwalipikado bilang isang panlipunang pedagogue-psychologist noong 1993 at mula nang inilapat ang kanyang kaalaman sa pamamahala ng proyekto.
Nakuha ni Valerii ang isang Master's Degree at ang Project and Program Manager Qualification noong 2013. Sa panahon ng kanyang programa ng Master, naging pamilyar siya sa Project Roadmap (GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.) at Spiral Dynamics.
Kinuha ni Valerii ang iba't ibang mga pagsubok sa dinamika ng spiral at ginamit ang kanyang kaalaman at karanasan upang iakma ang kasalukuyang bersyon ng Sdtest.
Si Valerii ay may -akda ng paggalugad ng kawalan ng katiyakan ng V.U.C.A. Konsepto gamit ang mga spiral dinamika at istatistika ng matematika sa sikolohiya, higit sa 20 internasyonal na botohan.
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