książka test oparty «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

Taryfa «ANKIETA»

Why is it profitable to buy this tariff?

1. The ability to conduct any number of polls for their own purposes and save the results of each poll in conjunction with a unique poll link. 2. The ability to compare the results of participants with each other and the average for the poll. 3. Ability to export to MS Excel.

4. Minimum price for each subscription period. You do not need to search in your mailboxes for our emails with a notice of taking the test and a unique URL link that stores your test results.

How to use the tariff? 1. Create a Personal Account (here, you will need a valid email) and buy the tariff.

2. Create a new poll.

3. Copy and share the link of the poll.

4. Take part in the poll.

5. Statistics.

The comparison chart by the colours of the Spiral Dynamics, where the email filter and export to MS Excel are available.

MS Excel Data Export Template.

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Cześć! Pozwól, że cię zapytam, czy znasz już spiralną dynamikę?