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RACI responsibility matrix

The Project Roadmap® from www.gpm-ipma.de includes the Company and Project Organization and matrix of responsibilities! There are many types of matrix of responsibilities for instance: RACI, DACI, RAPID, LACE, RASI, RACID.

Understanding the authority and responsibility matrix is crucial, as it's an essential project management tool that can help clarify and communicate roles and responsibilities within a team or organization.

Think about it: have you ever been in a group project where it wasn't clear who was responsible for what or where the communication broke down because everyone thought someone else was taking care of a particular task? It can be frustrating, right?

That's where the authority and responsibility matrixes come in. Assigning clear roles and responsibilities to each member of the team, it can help reduce confusion and misunderstandings. Everyone knows what they're responsible for, who they need to communicate with, and who has the final say.

But the benefits of the authority and responsibility matrixes go beyond avoiding frustration. When everyone knows their role and feels accountable for their part in the project, it can improve collaboration and overall project success. Understanding how the matrix works will give you a valuable tool for effective project management throughout your academic and professional career. So take the time to learn and understand the authority and responsibility matrixes – it could make all the difference in your future success!

The results of a poll in May 2023 on the Linkedin social network in the Google Project Management Certificate - Network Building-Job opportunities group showed that 96% do not know other matrix options other than RAСI.

I bring to your attention a comparative table of these matrices of authority and responsibility.

Matrix nameDescriptionRDLACSPIDE
RACIThis matrix is used to define the roles and responsibilities of team members. The RACI matrix helps to ensure that everyone understands their role and what they are responsible for delivering.Responsible: The person who is responsible for completing the taskAccountable: The person who is accountable for the task's outcome and makes the final decision.Consulted: The person who provides input and advice on the task but is not responsible for completing it.Informed: The person who needs to be informed of the task's progress but does not need to provide input or take action.
RASIThe RASI matrix is another variation of the RACI matrix that emphasizes support and collaboration.Responsible: The person who is responsible for completing the taskApprover: The person who has the authority to approve or reject the task's outcome.Supportive: The person or team who provides support to the responsible person or team to ensure the successful completion of the task or decision.Informed: The person who needs to be informed of the task's progress but does not need to provide input or take action.
RAPIDThe RAPID matrix is another decision-making matrix that emphasizes collaboration and speed.Recommend: The person who recommends a course of action.Agree: The person who agrees to the recommendation and supports it.Perform: The person who performs the task or executes the decision.Input: The person who provides input and feedback to help shape the recommendation or decision.Decide: The person who makes the final decision.
DACIIt is similar to the RACI matrix but is more focused on decision-making and collaboration. The DACI matrix helps to clarify who is responsible for making decisions, who contributes to the decision-making process, and who needs to be informed about the decision.Driver: The person who drives the decision-making process and is responsible for ensuring that decisions are made.Approver: The person who has the authority to approve or reject decisions.Contributor: The person who provides input and helps to shape the decision but does not have the authority to approve or reject it.Informed: The person who needs to be informed of the decision but does not provide input or take action.
LACEIt is a variation of the RACI matrix that emphasizes leadership and accountability.Lead: The person who leads the task or project.Accountable: The person who is accountable for the task's outcome and takes responsibility for its success or failure.Consulted: The person who provides input and advice on the task but is not responsible for completing it.Executed: The person who executes the task or completes the work.
RACIDIt is a variation of the RACI matrix that emphasizes the PDCA cycle.Responsible: the person who performs and is responsible for performing (doing) the processAccountable: the person responsible for the organizing (PDCA cycle = Plan - Delegate - Check - Adjust) and the outcome of the processConsulted: a person who provides input and advice on a process but is not responsible for its completion.Informed: a person who should be informed about the decisions or results of the process but does not take any action.Decide: the owner of the process, the person who can change it, makes the final decision on the PDCA cycle of the process.

You can use these examples or create your matrix for your project needs. 
SDTEST® allows you to determine in project managers the makings of a blue behavior model that is most appropriate to create the responsibility matrix. The higher the percentage in blue due to the SDTEST®, the more naturally the model of this person's behavior corresponds to the requirements to create the responsibility matrix.
Valerii Kosenko
Onye nwe ngwaahịa Saas Passe Sdtest®

Valerii ruru eru dị ka onye ọkà mmụta sayensị na-elekọta mmadụ na 1993 ma tinyekwara ihe ọmụma ya na njikwa ọrụ.
Valerii nwetara ogo nke nna ukwu na oru ngo na ntozu nke 2013. N'oge atumatu nke onye nwe ya (GPM deutsche geslellchaft fü.) ma gbaa ọsọ.
Valerii mere nnwale di iche di iche di iche di iche ma jiri ihe omuma ya na ahụmịhe ya mee ihe iji gbanwee ụdị SDTEC dị ugbu a.
Valerii bụ onye dere nyocha nke Vs.UC.A. Echiche na-eji ike gburugburu na ọnụ ọgụgụ mgbakọ na mwepụ na akparamaagwa, ihe karịrị ntuli abụọ mba ofesi.
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