Why is it profitable to buy this tariff?
1. 10 years of access to poll results.
2. View the value of the filter: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month.
3. 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
# | Poll's functionality | Poll's Owner | Free view
in FAQ
| Poll Shop |
1 | Export poll results to Excel | yes | no | yes |
1.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
2 | Charts tab | yes | yes | yes |
2.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
3 | VUCA tab | yes | yes | yes |
3.1 | View the filters value: Country and Language | yes | no | yes |
3.2 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
4 | Correlation tab | yes | yes | yes |
4.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
5 | Pivot Tables tab | yes | yes | yes |
5.1 | View the filters value: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month | yes | no | yes |
5.2 | Add filters Continent and Country into columns | yes | yes | yes |
5.3 | Add filters Language, Year, Month into columns | yes | no | yes |
6 | Customized SaaS development 10 hours | no | no | yes |
6.1 | Clarifying and capturing requirements in Atlassian Confluence | no | no | yes |
6.2 | Task tracking in Atlassian Jira | no | no | yes |
6.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS development requirements | no | no | no |
7 | Modification of SaaS functionality for the Tariff User | no | no | yes |
7.1 | Availability of SaaS modifications during a paid subscription to the tariff | no | no | yes |
7.2 | Availability of SaaS modifications upon completion of a paid subscription to the tariff | yes | yes | yes |
7.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS versions | no | no | no |
How to use the tariff?
1. Create a Personal Account (here, you will need a valid email).
2. Buy any number of polls in the tariff:
1) Actiones de societatibus in relatione ad personas in ultimo mense (sic / no) 2) De actionibus de societatibus in relatione ad personas in ultimo mense (quod in%) 3) Timoribus 4) Maximus difficultates adversus patria 5) Quales et ACCIPIO facere bonum duces uti cum aedificationem felix teams? 6) Google. Factors quod impulsum quadrigis EFICENTEN 7) Pelagus priorities ex Job conquisitor 8) Quid facit bulla magna princeps? 9) Quid facit populus felix ad opus? 10) Tu paratus accipere minus stipendium opus remotius? 11) Non agism est? 12) Ageism in Career 13) Ageism in Vita 14) Causas de ageism 15) Causa quare populus deficere (a Anna vitalis) 16) Confido (#WVS) 19) Ubi esset proximus maxime excitando occasionem? 20) Quid facietis hoc septimana ut vultus post mentis? 21) Ego vivere cogitandi de praeteritis, praesenti vel futurum 22) Meritocracy 23) Artificialis intelligentia et finis civilization 24) Quid faciunt homines procrastinate? 25) Gender difference in aedificationem sui fiducia (IFD Allensbach) 26) Xing.com culturae taxationem 27) Patrick Lencioni scriptor "quinque dysfunctions a quadrigis" 28) Empathy est ... 29) Quid est de necessitate ad eam specialists in eligens officium offer? 30) Quid populus resistere mutatio (per Siobhán Mchale) 31) Quid tibi moderari vestra affectuum? (Per Nawal Mustafa M.A.) 32) XXI artes, qui solvere te in aeternum (per Jeremiah Teo / 赵汉昇) 34) XII Vias aedificare fiducia cum aliis (per Justin Wright) 35) De ingenio employee (per Talentum Management Institutum) 36) X claves ad motivum tuum dolor 37) Algebra Conscientiae (auctore Vladimir Lefebvre) 38) Three possibilitates Future (by Dr. Clare W. Graves) 39) Actiones aedificare sui fiducia firma (per Suren Samarchyan)
3. We'll send you an email to the email given in the payment documents to arrange a kickoff meeting to define the scope of work for 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
GO TO ➡️ TARIFF «SDT meum» ➡️ TARIFF «SDT meum +» ➡️ TARIFF «Survey» ➡️ TARIFF «Survey +» ➡️ TARIFF «V.U.C.A capita excogitatoris» ➡️ TARIFF «PivotTables» ➡️ TARIFF «Sponsor Lab»