0%beige | In these conditions of life, the existence of man is fully striving for survival. All forces are used to stay alive and satisfy basic physical needs - to eat and drink. The instinct of self-preservation leads to the fact that sexual desires are satisfied as they arise at the animal level. A person does not think about planning his future, he lives with the needs of one day. All the feelings of a person are under the authority of his body, and not deliberate reflection on the essence and meaning. The result = 0% indicates that you have other living conditions. |
0%pears | Under these conditions of life, people believe that they are secure and protected by blood ties, great family ties and the use of magical power emanating from the world of spirits. The history of ancestors is sacred for people and they believe in their help. The life is filled with the preservation and performance of rites and rituals that are accompanied by music and dance. The special ceremonies serve to ensure harmony with nature. The result = 0% indicates that you have other living conditions. |
7%read | In these conditions of life, a person perceives his life as a jungle, the necessary condition for survival in which is the ability to adapt. You need to be strong for life in the jungle and take responsibility for the survival of others in it. This attitude creates a reputation and respect for the person, which in turn means more than life itself. A person makes every effort to preserve acquired reputation and respect, and even more so to prevent a situation of humiliation or conviction for cowardice. The goal is exceeded, nothing can stop on the way to this goal. No sense of guilt for the deed on the way to the goal, everything is solved at the present moment. If you need to give your life to achieve the goal, it will be done without hesitation. The purple-RED (<= 13%) entry phase is characterized by the appearance of self-centered thinking, for which guilt is not a deterrent to the use of brute force to obtain an immediate result. The family for such a person is his team / group / gang, which fights with the system and similar groups. In this struggle, the value of each member of this family is realized. The education gives the overcoming of life difficulties. The more pleasant the reward for such a teaching. |
13%blau | Under these conditions of life, a person searches for the meaning and purpose of life, believes in a single force that governs the whole world and determines his destiny. The truths of this power are just, unchanging and stable. These truths provide order and structure not only on Earth, but also in Heaven. The man acquires meaning in the observance of these truths, he stands firmly on the side of everything right and good, and always voluntarily fulfills the instructions of true authority. Walking along the appointed path of Truth, a person is ready to give up (sacrifice) his momentary desires in the hope that in the future he will be rewarded for it. The red-BLUE entry phase (<= 13%) is characterized by the appearance of thoughts about the only right way in life, the goal becomes the motive and the cause of actions. The reflections appear about the feeling of guilt that arises after some actions, and the willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of correcting the situation and restoring justice and their honor. In the family, such a person sets the standards of relationships, teaches observance of the rules of behavior and morality, each family member is assigned a specific place. The family is a place of storage of values, rules and truths At the heart of the training is the assertion that Power is the source of truth, the traditional movement up the ladder of life is observed, at each level of which discipline and duty require adherence to morality, and punishment comes for mistakes. |
20%Oranje | In these conditions of life, a person wants a “good life”, achievements and gains in a world that is full of opportunities for those who weigh risks and realize the chance given to them. First, a person must believe in himself and only after that everything will fall into place. The life is full of uncertainties, but as a good player, a person analyzes all options, makes bets and wins. If structures and rules constrain progress, then they should be replaced by other approaches proven by experience and help improve life with the help of science and technology. A man is so confident in his abilities that he is ready to change the whole world for the better. He enjoys the competition and longs for victory. In the middle phase of ORANGE (13% - 26%) thinking is asserted about material benefits and privileges, the willingness to change for the sake of progress; success is the only criterion for completing the business. The family must meet the career aspirations up and be mobile when you need to change their place of residence. The family also begins to devote enough time to its image and comparison of itself with other families. The training is based on trial and error, begin to attract mentors. The expected result of the training is the ability to find, capture and control niches, as well as create competitive advantages. |
27%grien | In these conditions of life, peace and love reign, all are equal and all are important. A person comes to understand who he is and how beautiful it is to be human. The unity of people brings joy to everyone, all are interdependent in search of love and involvement. The society is enhanced by the synergy of the life forces of its members, and artificial barriers and divisions reduce the strength of each member. The people believe that bad relationships and beliefs will disappear if each person discovers his inner world and uses his inner wealth. In the middle phase of GREEN (13% - 26%) is approved searching for inner peace, establishing harmony in a group, equality of people in the same circumstances (living conditions), and a desire to build a socially oriented society. In family relationships, they begin to pay attention to the shown emotions and feelings (their control), the degree of acceptance of a person as he is increases, everything is done jointly with the participation of each family member. The training is primarily directed to the study and awareness of oneself, the study of one's feelings, taking into account common experiences, training for cooperation and exchange of experience. |
27%giel | These living conditions are filled with the complexities of mega-structures and mega-organizations that create mega-problems that require new thinking. It is full of crises of different nature from political to environmental, over whose resolution the best minds of modern humanity think. The environment and the world's population are at risk. A person is concerned about the conditions of life on Earth because he is part of a living system. Therefore, the continuation of the existence of the natural way a person appreciates more than the desire to have or do. The person focuses on the functionality, competence, flexibility and spontaneity to search for new relationships and create a new synthesis. The high demand for integration and open systems. In the middle phase of YELLOW (13% - 26%), is established understanding of the inevitability of change and the acceptance of natural chaos, requiring the creation of integrative systems and the ability to see the whole picture (from a bird's-eye view). In family relationships, the role functions can change (the “earner” can be a woman, not a man) at the expense of higher competences and professionalism — each member contributes to their abilities. In education, rigid educational structures disappear, various sources of ideas are used, due to which it adapts to the interests of each person and the development of his talents. |
7%turquoise | These living conditions are in their infancy and are not fully manifested. They are based on a global vision, a focus on creating good for all living beings on Earth as complex systems. For this, the tools and competencies of the human mind are widely used by creating a strong collective of personalities, whose action is similar to field theory in physics, when the behavior of any element in the Universe immediately affects all other elements. This is clearly seen in alternative medicine, which, with a view to recovery, seeks to gain access to the full range of potentials - the brain, the body, and nature. The yellow-TURQUOISE (<= 13%) entry phase can be characterized by the appearance of a person’s vision of the world at the macro level, thoughts of security, orderliness and sustainability of the world. The family has a wide range of interests that helps to increase the level of awareness. The education combines emotions and technology, maximizes the capabilities of the mind, gives access to the knowledge of the whole world. SDTEST® has 31 different VUCA polls that calculate more than 10,000 correlation values between stages of development according to the theory of Spiral Dynamics and answer options of these 31 polls. Correlation shows TURQUOISE's connection to measurable behaviors models. Read more about this in the article Simple SDTEST® gives great possibilities. |
Management style |
0%beige | Reread the description in “In Life” section and proceed to familiarize yourself with the “In Business” behavior patterns in other colors. |
0%pears | In these conditions of life, a person has a well-developed intuition, the work focuses on content and experience, rather than on performing work on time, which is often expressed not only in being late for meetings, but also in skipping meetings. For such people, healthy social relationships in a group are more important than the production schedules. The business is built on ethnicity and / or kinship. The council of relatives is often a decision-making body, and the leader plays the role of chairman of the board and announces decisions. In such a business, the role of a leader does not imply autocracy, but rather consists in coordinating opinions, directing and controlling family welfare. The life of a leader belongs to the family, where he serves the clan, and not vice versa. The PURPLE leaders proclaim consensus and serve to maintain balance in the group. If the leaders manage to reach the PURPLE level, then they get so strong power over the people that no “facts” or even human decency can not break this bond. In such organizations, fairy tales and scientific facts are often confused - the emphasis on respect for related values often takes people's thoughts by searching and exposing conspiracies, rather than developing the ability to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions, which leads business to ruin. The great attention is paid to luck talismans, for example: in Taiwan, businessmen with the aim of impressing friends and partners eat the meat of endangered species of tigers at the conclusion of transactions. A tie with the emblem of a prestigious student society, a knock on wood and salt thrown over the shoulder are all signs and mysticism of the PURPLE. In PURPLE organizations, it is difficult to use ORANGE incentives in the form of individual rewards, since a reward for individual achievements separates good employees from the whole group / family. On the other hand, the 100% participation of workers in the union is likely to lead to an increase in the overall level of wages, and not to a change towards orange individual incentives. The worldwide known PURPLE businesses are Disney theme parks, soft toys, and souvenirs at airports all over the world. The result = 0% indicates that you have other living conditions. |
7%read | The purple-RED (<= 13%) entry phase is characterized by the emergence of strong personalities who unilaterally take power into their own hands. Since the essence of RED is individuality and elitism, and he prefers the vertical distribution, the leader becomes the ruler at the top of the pyramid of power. He needs to maintain freedom from the clan, to exercise independent control and be steeper than others to establish his dominance. Under such conditions of life, a person has an unlimited idea of a space for business in which he can administer justice, since he acts according to the principle “the power is always right” or “I don't need anything else, but I will take mine away from anyone”. In business, everyone is divided into winners and losers. Such a businessman or employee shows a high level of energy and easily takes risks, uses intimidation, charisma and physical strength to impose his will, swear words - a weapon he uses to gain control over the offended BLUE. Unrestrained and not planning consequences RED is not able to save for a rainy day, to carry out preventive actions or perform daily duties. The debt can be claimed at any time. Not trusting banks, he prefers cash and / or precious metals / stones. The healthy RED breaks the “system”, creates innovations that are impossible within the framework of the purple tradition or the BLUE rules. It is full of energy like a catalyst that triggers a reaction. At the core of his ideas about the form of a hostel are the beliefs that power and money are received by predators, and the dangers of business are for the weak. He easily enters the war for territory or source of income, as well as for revenge. Within the organization, such an employee easily enters into a power struggle with his immediate superior or management. The bribes are considered to be a natural business tool. When making decisions, the RED leader manifests a rigid dictate. When dealing with RED, show respect, but act with absolute and unquestioned authority. The gentlemanly behavior is not applicable to him. |
13%blau | The red-BLUE entry phase (<= 13%) is characterized by the appearance of a person’s attention to the consequences and future rewards, which replace egocentric RED impulsivity. The surrounding people are becoming more important as beings with rights and values. The BLUE is good at resolving issues related to preventive maintenance, inventory control and compliance with specifications - this is a specialist in field testing of equipment. The exit phase of BLUE-orange is characterized by the possible appearance of problems in business when BLUE-orange is engaged in negotiations to conclude contracts. The representatives of various parties listen to all parties, try to figure out how they can argue the opponent and win points. They do not think about how to reach an understanding and stop unnecessary games. Often, the discussions degenerate into scandals for defining basic concepts instead of discussing essential issues in order to mask the battle between players and their ego. The people with this MEME (values-attracting meta-meme) profile can easily become alternates or trusted people for blue-ORANGE, since this leadership style is preferable for them. The BLUE-orange arrogantly demonstrate their level of discipline and condemn the weakness of others. At the same time, they are working to exceed the standards. Such personalities are sometimes irresistible, almost manic seeking to do everything possible within the given boundaries. They are driven by the goal of exactly performing the task and completing the planned stage only in order to be ready in time and move on to the next item of the program. The perfection becomes the goal. When BLUE-orange comes to power, the trains do not just come on time - they become faster and more reliable, with a limited number of first-class seats being added. The particular emphasis is placed not on quantity, but on quality, the mentality of the manufacturers of Rolls-Royce or Lamborghini is very pronounced. The things are made individually, brought by hand and in exact agreement with the "methods of the old masters." The goal of BLUE-orange is not to make things expensive or catchy, but rather to be as correct as possible. The compliance with the BLUE-orange requirements is guaranteed through licensing, tests and permits. This type of thinking prevails in representatives of the fire services of most countries, in police departments, in professional military and narrow departmental scientific societies working in "ivory towers." The BLUE-orange-zone managers tend to motivate employees, gradually becoming compassionate dictators, demanding greater and faster results. Although assuring the opposite, they no longer perceive employees as living people, tend to treat them as hired workers and readily get rid of those who no longer comply with the principles of acceptable behavior or “break” under pressure. The people blocked by BLUE-orange thinking sooner or later come to a standstill. They reach the limit of their competence and can not move to a greater degree of complexity. The managers start digging in and build up authoritarian fiefdoms that work according to their expectations, but with high staff turnover, low morale and grumbling from controlled employees. A typical BLUE-orange level is “Napoleon” - a low-level bureaucrat in the civil service. Even the large corporations (for example, in the American automotive industry) are forced to make great efforts in order to avoid this situation and its inherent limited and hostile vision. It is at this level that various programs of “reengineering” or “total quality control” most often fail to achieve their goals. The positive side of BLUE-orange thinking is the distinctive ability to successfully organize cases and to accept responsibility in accordance with the guidelines (which allows you to avoid the appearance of censure, condemnation and criticism). Such people find dignity in regulating themselves and their environment, but always within the framework of proper and proper behavior. A person seeks to look good, honest, reliable and always prepared in the eyes of others. |
20%Oranje | In the middle phase, ORANGE (13% - 26%) is characterized by its tough game. He introduces the concept of calculated risk and thinking of the type "who does not risk, he does not drink champagne". This is the world of the smart entrepreneur, professional baseball, cold-blooded (but responsible) project manager and the star-striped capitalist, who are in awe of BLUE on Saturday or Sunday, but can do “everything they need” to achieve goals during the week. In blue-ORANGE there is a huge literary market for selling the wisdom of experts. Although the general tone in this range is purposeful autonomy, the blue-ORANGE needs someone else nearby who can be blamed for failures, because (as in RED) the blame cannot be your own. The ability to delegate problems to superiors or transfer responsibility down to subordinates eases the greatly disturbing need to be responsible for everything and everyone. Being a manager, blue-ORANGE transfers to subordinates only an unimportant part of power, since from the height of his perch they are often seen as incompetent, unmotivated or just stupid. The real controls he holds in his hands. In such systems, bosses from the governing elite will certainly give each other fair bonuses, even if the company is in general decline. And of course, the same phenomenon is observed when unhealthy blue-ORANGE controls the association. As a result of competitive war games, the factories and the plants are closed, leaving workers outside, and their leaders continue to strain cappuccino with intermediaries. A useful feature of blue-ORANGE is the ability to excel in fast-start projects and in initiating action. However, this “man of ideas” can begin again and again, instead of bringing at least something to the end. He enjoys hunting, not from prey. He will have a lot of enthusiasm and many often brilliant initiatives, but they will be able to advance only if partners with complementary (no more than ORANGE) MEME’s (values-attracting meta-meme) intercept the baton. The attempts to impose teamwork on this lovingly betting system are a waste of energy, although “team building” is exactly the medicine that human resources departments often prescribe to solve blue-ORANGE problems. Although people in this range can use teams and appreciate the fruitful results of group activities, they never join them. Those entering the blue-ORANGE zone crave opportunities for self-expression and excellence. They are driven by ORANGE’s competitive zeal along with a belief in BLUE standards that need to be surpassed. The motivational workshops, self-help programs, boards of honor and meetings (“Hurray! Hurray!”) For sales give them the necessary impetus. Even computer games in which an evaluation account is conducted are tonic. Such an increase in the ego can give very positive and constructive results in productivity, especially when it is worth it and the energy is focused. The ORANGE-green exit phase is characterized by the fact that ORANGE is becoming a calm entrepreneur who succeeds with good chances and knows how to avoid bad deals and losing situations. The ORANGE-green thinking allows people to conduct very successful meetings and deals. They are not afraid of difficult situations, although they may not realize all their complexity. They settle things, smooth out conflicts, calm down heated emotions, act as useful troublemakers (trouble-shooters), become excellent concierges, head waiter or political campaign organizers. This is the thinking of an “adjutant” who can get what he needs, when he needs it, and at the same time leave all those cheated satisfied and aware that they could be useful to him. He always keeps a certain distance, and it is always clear where his ultimate loyalty is, but services are rendered smoothly and kindly. The victims of his crimes may even refuse to testify. When their dreams are not fulfilled, they are very upset and depressed, although, as a rule, not for long if ORANGE is stronger than GREEN. “Raise yourself, shake off the dust - and start all over again.” By this time, ORANGE had learned to use people and integrate them as resources for building mutual success. The hacker gangs involved in robbery on the Internet probably consist of representatives of this MEME’s (values-attracting meta-meme) profile, and in the CLOSED state they see nothing wrong with demonstrating their ingenuity at the expense of AT & T or Citybank. The ORANGE-green team members are fighting for medals against each other and at the same time they are concerned about the team competition. When the GREEN component is too low, the groups as a whole are weakened, as athletes try to cut each other without embarrassment, paying more attention to ORANGE awards than sports. Some ORANGE-green become excellent mentors in a corporate environment, excellent trainers. |
27%grien | In the middle phase GREEN (13% - 26%) is characterized by the fact that a person who “passed” through the ORANGE peak often does not feel truly accepted by others (and this begins to matter to him in the ORANGE-green region of the spectrum). A person attracts others to himself in the interests of mutual benefit, striving to please everyone and find success / prosperity for the whole group. The interpersonal skills are often at their peak, because the constructive, warm interaction is an integral part of self-satisfaction. Here the intuition and insight are greatly appreciated, so individuals seek to sharpen skills such as sensitive listening. In such conditions of life, the focus is shifted to the problems of affiliation, networking and large-scale harmony, the entrepreneurship is regulated by humanity. The issues of lifestyle, organizational responsibility and citizenship, as well as the company / institution as an extended family, take the time of key decision makers. The “Total” line, if necessary, includes much more than dollars, which should make sense as soon as employees instead of spending to reduce become the assets for education. The people's feelings about work (and to each other at work) will join the parade immediately after the columns of quality and reengineering. Before teams can start self-government, they must first become teams. The individual in orange-GREEN is still enterprising, but needs a circle of friends in a caring (but profitable!) Confederation to join the business. Many creative start-ups were launched in a flock of orange-GREEN white crows and got confused because the crows refused to include several ORANGE single eagles in the field of marketing and BLUE postal pigeons to conduct inventory and maintain reporting. The organizations can see emphasis on physical / psychological wellness programs (which reduce healthcare costs and increase productivity), self-directed teams (letting employees take more direct responsibility, reduce the need for managers, and convince employees that they find them trustworthy). When the orange-GREEN programs work, the “cold” engineers can regain humanity, and the “computer nerds” discover how much they really like working with their colleagues. The GREEN-yellow output phase is characterized by the fact that the first questions of YELLOW living conditions appear about the cost of such care, both in terms of economics and human energy. In organizations, profitability and productivity are falling, while expenses unexpectedly increase - “as it goes around comes around, so will it respond”. The beginning of the end of the domination of GREEN is when a person begins (again) to do things, successfully complete them, and all this alone. The most significant indicator of the emerging GREEN-yellow stage is getting rid of fear. Instead, curiosity grows to just be alive in a vast universe. |
27%giel | In the middle phase, YELLOW (13% - 26%) is characterized by the fact that a person avoids falling into the quicksand of any system, from the unbridled ambition of ORANGE to the naive altruism of GREEN. Faced with complexity, such a person is not afraid, but does not overestimate their capabilities. Rather, he develops confidence in self-generated messages and instructions that originate from the center of his core beliefs. And the spiral gives him an encouraging path through turbulence and uncertainty. When YELLOW thinking begins to spread in an organization or community, you may notice the gradual disappearance of expensive offices, status symbols, hierarchy of privileges, or any other indicators of power or strength. Here, expressive functionality and “who knows more about anything” are highly valued, regardless of official authority or office power. |
7%turquoise | The yellow-TURQUOISE (<= 13%) entry phase is characterized by the fact that corporate TURQUOISE thinkers discover harmony, mystical forces, chemical reactions and omnipresent states of flows that permeate any organization - its people, brain syndicates and market place. They can accumulate and process huge amounts of data in search of the deepest trends and the most subtle patterns of thought and energy. While YELLOW adds the so-called “left hemisphere” logic to the spiral dynamics equation, TURQUOISE introduces a well-informed, cerebral, and extremely complex “right-brained” processing mode. Attempts to describe the TURQUOISE were made by Frederic Laloux (Author), Ken Wilber (Foreword) in the book “Reinventing Organizations”, where the main characters are turquoise organizations. SDTEST® has 31 different VUCA polls that calculate more than 10,000 correlation values between stages of development according to the theory of Spiral Dynamics and answer options of these 31 polls. Correlation shows TURQUOISE's connection to measurable behaviors models. Read more about this in the article Simple SDTEST® gives great possibilities. |
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 |
Yn in bedriuw | eigen buorkerij | Famyljesaken | Begjin fan in persoanlik bedriuw | Business Process Management | projektmanagement | sosjale netwurken | Win-win-win gedrach | synthesis |
Management style | Manual kontrôle | Regelmjittich | Ynnovatyf | |||||
Yn in libben | Oerlibjen | familie relaties | De regel fan krêft | De macht fan 'e wierheid | Kompetysje | ynterpersoanlike relaasjes | flexible stream | De Global fyzje |
Kleur | beige | pears | read | blau | Oranje | grien | giel | turquoise |
% | 0 | 0 | 7 | 13 | 20 | 27 | 27 | 7 |
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